Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a God-filled day..

Like I mentioned last night, we went to church this morning, Nick, Stephanie and I. There's a pretty old church down off Shop Street that we pass all the time, and we decided to go and check it out. Everyone was ready on time, even though we still had to run to catch the bus. We found ourselves EARLY actually (which is an impossible feat for me), so we ate breakfast and then went to service. Turns out that there was a baptism too; I've never seen a Catholic baptism. It was precious, and while I don't agree that a baby should be baptised to cleanse original sin, the symbolism of the dedication was cool. The Church rising up as a whole body, promising to uphold the child in his walk with God. My thoughts at first were confusion and a little bit of shame; who am I to promise to help this child in his faith? I don't know him or his family. But then I realized, I don't have to know him. That child represents my brothers and sisters in Christ, his parents represent every other married couple I know, the kid's godparents represent my elders. When I promised to be a part of that kid's faith, I was promising to participate in the Church, to be a part of the faith lives of everyone I know. If I was being trusted to care about a child that I don't know, then I was also being trusted to care about the people I do know. It was a refreshing point of view.

Today, God was everywhere I looked. Not only in church, but in the conversations afterwards, in having to extend patience and love to people who trust me. I found him in cleaning, in sweeping and taking out the trash. He was in my incense, in the music I've had on all afternoon. He proved himself when Elyse's mom offered to pay for our hotel in London, when I was able to help Elyse figure out her new plans after a scheduling blunder. He surrounded me on a walk with Carolin, in the secret paths we found that wound through the woods behind the hospital, in the conversation that took place during, and in the brisk autumn air. It is so comfortable being enveloped by his presence.


Anonymous said...

I KNEW He was there too!!!! I have been praying daily that he would "envelope" your Ireland existence ... cool!
I love you! Momma

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