Sunday, November 16, 2008

Visit from Elyse

I know my posts have been lacking recently, but I had the pleasure of hosting my friend Elyse on her visit to Galway. She rounded out her European excursion in Ireland. She was in Galway from Wednesday night until this morning, and she caught a bus to Dublin, where she will stay until Tuesday morning. And then she flies back home! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. I am so sad I'm missing Thanksgiving with my family. Fortunately, we'll be celebrating it here, so hopefully it will be a nice stand-in.

I've got lots of homework to take care of this week; the plan is to go to Belfast over the weekend. Hopefully we get to go, and hopefully I can finish my stuff! I'm pretty sure I'll be fine, I'm good with managing my time. It's the motivation that's a little lacking.

I can't believe I'll be home in less than a month. At one point it seemed like this trip was never going to end. According to my paper chain, I have 23 days left! Wow. Elyse said something interesting to me when she was getting ready to board the bus today, she said that she thinks there's still something in store for me here, like everything I'm supposed to get out of this trip hasn't happened yet. Maybe in Belfast, maybe in Germany, maybe on my last day here... that's an interesting thought. I can't let myself get too anxious for home that I forget to soak up everything I can here. Whatever it is, I'll get there, in due time.

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