Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'm stuck in a creative rut. There are these little tricklings of imagination that manage to find their ways into the pages of my class notes or abandoned in the back of my notebook, but I can't materialize anything significant. I wish I could. Now would be a great time to write for the Girls' Retreat or to write for P31, or to start writing my book ;) But I got nothing. Well, that's not true. I've begun to write about what my imagination and dreams are telling me, in hopes that I can figure out what in the world they mean. I'm starting to think that my need for adventure is being personified into these people and circumstances, like my brain is trying to shock me awake and push me back into existence. It's making it hard to stay here and just be still. Who knows what these dreams will drive me to do...

I made hot wings last night for a bunch of friends, including the my three American neighbors. I cooked for hours, making 80 wings and a few pounds of pilaf. Everything was a smashing hit, and I was happy to be supplying new treats for the internationals, and a little bit of home for us Americans. I like making people happy. My mom's hostess gene rang true- I did you proud, Mom!

I'm starting to get my continuous assessment assignments from my classes. I won't bore you with details, I'll just say that I'm sure I'll be fine. The expectations here are much lower, not just for us internationals, but for the Irish students too. They aren't even required to type their papers- handwritten ones are totally acceptable. What?? And they complain about 3 page papers. It's a little silly. Anyway, I have a slight temptation to just do the bare minimum, but this over-achiever knows that won't last very long.

Our apartment will be full tonight! Matt (another guy from WCU who is in school at Castlebar) is coming down with one of our Irish friends, plus Anso has a visitor here from France. It's a zoo!


Anonymous said...

I am SO-O-O-O-O proud! 80 wings and POUNDS OF PILAF?!?!?! Wow! Wait until I tell Gramma! What do you need for another meal? I'll mail it to you!

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. You could be taking pictures of Dvorce buses and the roads. haha love you