Monday, October 20, 2008

Hurricane weather?

Horrendous winds are ripping through Galway yesterday and today. Yesterday, it was accompanied by bouts of rain and thunder; the storm actually killed our power at one point. Today, it's just wind, but LOTS of it. The noise made it hard to sleep last night. This morning, some gusts were so hard that they would push you to the side, and Ruben and I had trouble walking in a straight line on our way to the college. (Dad, these are the kind of winds that you have nightmares about as far as yardwork goes haha.) Trying to be brave, I headed out for a run after class. Besides the hurricane-like wind, the weather is actually pretty mild. Well, I highly underestimated how hard it would be to pace normally while running into the wind. It was also my first run since I've had this awful cough. So really, it wasn't the smartest decision, but I fortunately was fine. The wind isn't supposed to let up for the next few days, so we'll see.

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