Friday, October 10, 2008

Sleep deprivation is not my friend

I'm posting this now because there is no telling when I will again see the light of day. It's 1:20 in the afternoon, and I need a nap. Why? Let me tell you. So, last night was Erasmus student party night at The Library, the student bar just up the road. All of the international students (the European exchange program is called the Erasmus program) from both NUIG and GMIT came out to enjoy some free food, table quizzes, and alcohol (well, it IS a bar), with the hopes of hanging out with old friends and meeting new ones. The bar was packed. From wall to wall, in chairs, sitting on the stage, leaning against doors and against each other/ I don't know what the legal capacity is for the bar, but I'm sure we were over it. Regardless of how jam-packed it was, I went up around 10 pm with a bunch of my friends to mingle in the knotted crowd. I had early classes today, so I left with Carolin and my neighbor Darin around 11:30. I was definitely feeling tired, but I managed to stay awake long enough for my evening prayers and my typical mental replay of the day. I nodded off to sleep around 12:30, until I awoke suddenly about an hour later. I didn't hear any noises that woke me up or anything. In fact, all I could hear was the incessant rain. I rolled over, but couldn't fall back asleep. I was still awake when Anne-Sophie came in from the bar. I got up and ate a sandwich with her in the kitchen. Then, I thought I might read for a bit, just to calm me down and get me back in 'sleep mode.' No luck. I tossed and turned for another hour before I got up to light some incense and open my window. When that didn't work an hour later, I grabbed my headphones and turned on some music. Then I turned off my music. Then I got up and went to the bathroom. Then I got out of bed again and stretched and did yoga and pushups. Then I put my headphones back on. Then I counted sheep. Around 5 am, when I still couldn't sleep, I finally got up and went into the living room to watch TV. Around 6 am, I wandered back to bed for one final attempt at what would now be a nap. I think I dozed from about 6:15 until my alarm went off abruptly at 7:45. Time for class! I have NO idea why I couldn't sleep. Sure, my brain rambles on and on occasionally, [and it did last night because a certain someone, who has captured my most recent attention, was occupying my thoughts.] But I can even turn that off at will, and I did. The first half of the night, I lifted up prayers of "God, please help me fall asleep." The second half of the night, I was just angry. Now, it's funny that I had such a hard time with it. Though getting a restful sleep has been a task recently (because I keep having these vivid and/or nightmarish dreams), the actual getting to sleep part has never been an issue. I think if it happens again tonight, I'm going to have to find some sleeping pills. Just when I thought things had rounded a corner... Haha. Fortunately, I did make it to class, even on two and a half hours of sleep. For now, I'll try to get some Z's in so I'm not knocked out tomorrow when we leave for Dublin. Fingers crossed. Cheers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[and it did last night because a certain someone, who has captured my most recent attention, was occupying my thoughts.] = TELL ME!

About 34 days!