Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lucky number 4?

On my fourth trip to immigration today, I finally was able to register! Well, it had to happen at some point, and I'm so glad it did! I explained to the officer what had happened with our insurance cards and whatnot, and he apologized that I had to come back so many times. He joked with me and made me feel better about the whole experience. So, now I'm legal. :) Hooray.

After immigration, I had a list of things to do. It's really nice out today, so I took advantage of it and walked to the city center, about a half hour or so. I hit up the bookstore to buy a text for class, returned a book at the public library, bought postcards and stamps, bought butter and bread, and was even able to get to the bead store to pick up new hooks for my earrings. I was strolling down Shop Street, humming to myself and dodging passers-by, when all of a sudden it hit me... Ireland said yes. Ireland has agreed to be my friend. Maybe things are looking up...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Lord! This my sweet friend, is undoubtedly an answer to prayer!!!

The prayer has been that God would allow you to have something, anything good happen so you would know that He is there.

He is there.

Love you bunches, Lu

Anonymous said...

i am so happy to hear things are finally going well for you!
i hope they only get better!
-kelsie h.

Anonymous said...

I prayed and prayed and prayed. Praise the Lord - I KNEW God is in Ireland, too! Glad things are looking up ... now, you're off to Dublin. Have a great time!