Thursday, October 2, 2008

Deportation part 2

Well. As if this whole immigration thing couldn't get any worse, the saga now continues. After my second rejection, I complained to Helen O'Reilly, the international officer at GMIT. She promised to call and figure something out. I talked to her yesterday and she told me she had spoken to a man there who was willing to bend a little for us, but we needed to go in before we expired just to show our faces. I woke up at 6:30 am to walk down to registration with three other American students from UW-Platteville. After getting a little turned around, we arrived only to see that 50 other people were in front of us in line. So, we grabbed a ticket and waited for a few hours.

When it was my turn, I explained to the man what Helen had told me regarding her conversation with the immigration guy. Well, long story short, I was turned down a third time! The officer basically told me he thought I was lying and refused to look at any of my documents. Well, he did look at one piece- the document with all of my health insurance information. He immediately handed it back and told me that they didn't take copies. Calmly, I tried to tell him that the black and white card WAS the original, sent to me by the insurance company. He looked at me like I was stupid and repeated that they wouldn't accept a copy. Greeeeat.

So for the big question: Could I still go to Venice? For once, I couldn't get a straightforward answer from him. He told me he couldn't tell me if I could or couldn't, it was up to me to risk leaving the country and trying to get back in. But when I refused to get up, he leaned in a little and told me that even though he wasn't sure, he wouldn't chance it. Sweet. So anyway. I, your daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, and student, will be an illegal resident of Ireland tomorrow at midnight. What are the repercussions of being an illegal alien? Well, I could be arrested or sent home immediately. Feeling really good about that one. I would also like to note that if I am sent home, I cannot graduate in December.

Though I highly doubt I'll be sent home, I also never thought I'd ever be an illegal resident anywhere. I never thought I'd have to cancel Venice. Of course, I'm angry, frustrated, sad, and at my wit's end. I have written emails to my health insurance company, the immigration office, the US Embassy here in Dublin, and ISP back at Western. Oy. To make me even more angry, I got word today that three of the American guys got through immigration today, two of them are Western guys who have the same insurance (and B&W insurance card) that I do. I know all of this will work itself out, but I am really unhappy right now. In light of recent events, I felt that I sort of needed to run away from here and have a nice weekend outside of my own head. Oh well. I'll keep you posted! In the meantime, I will have to be extra-careful not to break any laws!


Anonymous said...

this is a test

Anonymous said...

My wonderful Katie, I wish this blog from today was only fiction. I'm so sorry every turn was bad for you. You are in my prayers and I think of you often. Now that your Mom taught me how to comment, I'll be better about conversing.
Love, Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Kate, you tell those immigration folks "don't make my mom come over here!!!" that will get them to pay attention! haha Sweetie, I have sent a prayer via your email; I will continue to pray without ceasing. I have asked my prayer warriors to do the same.
I love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to send you one of my bones to help you feel better.

LeAnn said...

Sweet Katie... I could tell you that this will make you stronger... that this will make excellent material for future devotions... that you should just have faith and press on...

But... I think you should just hit a local pub and down some ale!

Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it time for a new blog, Kate? I miss reading your updates! Hope things are looking brighter for you.
