Friday, September 12, 2008

Is it already Friday?

Wow, this has been such a whirlwind week! I started "classes," basically meaning that I'm going through orientation and the basic overview classes for all of the courses. Tomorrow, I'm headed downtown to the Galway Museum as part of class. It's like a fieldtrip, I guess. According to our lecturers, we will be going on fieldwork trips often. (::smile::) That makes me very happy. It's a cool way to explore what's going on around us in Ireland.

So today, I didn't have class, so some guys from WCU and I went to Salthill, which is the town next to/part of Galway. It's right on the water, and the Aran Islands are in that bay too, and you can see them on the horizon. The day started off as a typical, dreary, Irish summer day. After some rain and high-powered winds, the evening cleared up and the sun actually peeked out! I took full advantage of this and went for a run. I found this great little route that isn't too hilly or off-road or next to the highway. In fact, this route was so close to perfect, I almost cried. As close as I can tell, it's about 2.5 or 3 miles, roundtrip. After the run, I showered and the guys and I made Irish burgers for dinner. The meat here is good, but definitely different. It almost tastes a hint like pepperoni. But I seasoned them up like Gramma does and they were really tasty. Tonight I took one of my apartment-mates to the student bar, The Library, to meet some of my friends, mainly guys from my program. Well, none of the Irish guys showed up, so it ended up being us and a bunch of American guys. Haha. But we made the most of it and eventually just started talking to everyone else around us.

OH! Speaking of roommates. I have two now! They got here last night. One is named Ensophie (I don't know how to spell it) and she is from France. She's a third year studying business. The other is a guy named Ruben from the Netherlands. He's a third year studying European construction management. He'll actually probably be taking classes with a lot of the guys from WCU. Both of them said that they chose Ireland to work on their English, so how perfect is it that they were stuck with an English speaker who loves to talk?! Ha. It'll be fun I think. I already like them and we seem to be getting along okay. It will be different living with internationals, but also living with a guy. But I think it will be fine. We all have our own rooms. Ha. So anyway, about getting up tomorrow for class. It's time to sleep in my lovely Irish bed. Night!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It sounds like you are settling in just fine :o) I can't wait to catch up on all your posts.

Just wanted to stop by and say "Hey There!" Hope you have a great weekend!