Saturday, September 6, 2008

My saving grace

As I'm sure you could imagine, I was ridiculously tired after getting settled in to my apartment two days ago. I ended up sleeping until 1 pm yesterday, something I'm not sure I've ever done. Well, it helped, a little.

Not long after I woke up to a grey, dreary, rainy afternoon, I got a phone call on my apartment phone. At first I had no idea what that strange ringing was. You'd think I'd forgotten what a phone sounded like. I followed my ears to the kitchen and gently lifted the receiver. Maybe I thought a bomb would go off, who knows. "Hello?" On the other end I recognized two voices, one of the receptionist at GMIT who so kindly gave me directions the other day, and the other of my American friend Tiffany. The receptionist handed the phone to Tiffany, who was calling to make sure I was at my apartment. She was here! In Galway! To see me!! Oh, the heavens rejoiced and the rain immediately stopped and I could hear birds singing for miles! OK, not really, but it sure felt like it. My friend was alive and well, and taking a taxi to my apartment right now!

When she stepped foot in my door, soaking wet and smiling from cute ear to cute ear, I felt my spirits lift. She pulled in two monstrous bags behind her... they were wet too, but not smiling so much. I had her pull her stuff in the living room and I turned on the heaters so we could dry everything. After catching up on what happened (we thought we were getting there on the same day, but she got in the day after; she doesn't have an apartment yet in Castlebar, so she came to Galway), we hit the town for dinner and grocery shopping. The grocery stores here charge a fee for using plastic bags; I, fortunately, had read about this in the news a few years ago when it started, so I advised Tiffany to bring her pack and I had mine, so we filled them with food and headed back later. Side note: Mom, I saw zero bananas at the grocery store! Mhmm... But they did have these amazing mangos for 49c. Bought me one of those.

After an evening of watching both American TV ("America's Got Talent" and "Sex and the City") and Irish TV (the news mainly, but we were also introduced to the sport of hurling), we goofed off, taking pictures and chit chatting.
Another side note: Dad- On the news, all of a sudden they were intereviewing an Irish Elvis impersonator? Haha it was pretty goofy. Naturally, I thought of you.

This morning, I'll be taking Tiffany up to Castlebar, a campus about an hour and a half busride north. She's supposed to meet her landlord at the apartment at 4 o'clock. Both of us are praying she likes the apartment and she decides to live there because we'll be carting her bags around with us until she finds a place to permanently keep them. Since she will be staying in Ireland for a year, she brought double what I did. I'll crash at her place tonight- late bus transportation on the weekend are a little shady, from what we can tell. So I'll ride the bus back here tomorrow and ready myself for school to begin! For now, I need to go make sure she's awake...

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