Monday, September 29, 2008


After another dreadful trip to immigration, I can't be 100% sure I won't be deported by the end of the week (before I got to Venice, I might add). Everytime I show up there, we find out another piece of information that delays the process. First, we find out that we needed to have more money in our bank accounts than we were told, AND we had to have an official statement from our banks proving we had this money. "Official" means no copies, no faxes, but a mailed letter from the US. So I'm crossing my fingers that the statement my parents sent will be here by Wednesday afternoon, at the latest. Tomorrow would be better. Today, my new piece of information was that I needed to have documentation proving I'm actually taking residence in the apartment where I'm paying rent. Whattttt? It was easy to get, but it seems a little ridiculous. Anyway, I take comfort in knowing that I'm not the only student having problems getting registered, but if you find out that I'm suddenly back in the States, you'll know why.


Andrew said...

oh noes! katie! that sounds like quite a pickle you're in. you obviously weren't giving off the impression that you were an american. let me guess, no evangelizing the masses, no "4 more years" campaign posters, no blatant disregard for native/local culture, and you probably weren't wearing the flag on some garment (and i really don't want to say it, but probably no fanny pack). shame on you.

oh well, maybe we can't win 'em over by reinforcing stereotypes all the time. but they might help. ;) haha!

Anonymous said...

You better not be deported, or I will have a bone to pick with the Irish government. I am staying in a bed and breakfast near the st. lucia train station. the name is at the bottom of my suitcase so I will get it later.