Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Itinerary change

I will be back in NC this time next week! How cool is that?! Tonight I was sitting across the hall talking to my WI neighbors, and they just happened to check their flights back home, only to find out that one of their flights has disappeared and now they're having a bit of a mess figuring out how to get home. Listening to all of this, and remembering back to last weekend when we missed our flight to Germany, I decided to check my flight, too. I am so glad I did. I'm not sure if my flight was changed, or if I somehow initially misread my departure time, but I'm actually leaving Dublin at 8:55 am, not 11:55 am like I thought. Soooo, the original plan was to hop on the 6 am bus from Galway to Dublin airport and then catch my plane. NOW I have to get the 2:15 am bus, which puts me in Dublin three and a half hours early. Geez. That gives me plenty of leeway in case my bus is late or something goes wrong, but I am not looking forward to going that early. I could get a hostel on Tuesday night, but then I'd have to pay for that and a taxi to the airport, so I'm saving a bunch of money by leaving early on Wednesday morning. Anyway, not that big of a deal, I'm just glad I checked!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm so excited to see you! The semester hasn't been the same without your smiling face!